Time to refinance

Oct 21, 2011
Question: Refinance or additional payments towards principal? After Amy Scott's report on falling interest rates I decided I must stop wondering...

A reasonable fund fee

Oct 20, 2011
Question: Could you discuss what is reasonable in terms of fees and sales charges for mutual funds? My current Roth IRA provider charges a $10...

A good time to remodel

Oct 20, 2011
More evidence of a soft economy: The home remodeling market. The latest reading from the Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity from the Joint...

DIY or planner

Oct 19, 2011
Question: I'd like to think I'm relatively savvy with financial planning (in no small part thanks to your show) and have a growing portfolio that...

Go for it

Oct 18, 2011
Question: I am planning on retiring from Federal government with a pension of about $19,500 at age 60. I have $300,000 in savings and I will...

Interest or principal

Oct 17, 2011
Question: We would like to make additional payments to our mortgage. Does it make a difference whether we make that additional payment towards the...

Swap mortgage for home equity loan?

Oct 14, 2011
Question: My mortgage rate is 6.5% and I was laid off over a year ago. I owe only $39,000 and have a home equity line of credit of $100,000 which I...

For public good, not for profit.

Open IRA first--and fast

Oct 13, 2011
Question: I am 29 and I work for a family owned retail business that does not offer a retirement plan. Currently my husband does have one through...

Own or owe?

Oct 12, 2011
Question: I had a question about buying a new car. Simply, is it better to purchase the car outright or is it better to pay monthly over time? I...

Saving for retirement without a 401(k)

Oct 11, 2011
Question: The company I work for has no 401k retirement plan, and has no interest in starting one. I want to save for retirement, but what are my...