Venezuela's 360% inflation fuels migration, poverty

Dec 6, 2023
While the economy is slowly improving, a quarter of Venezuela's population has left the country as high inflation and low wages persist.
A man counts cash to buy groceries in a Caracas supermarket. Prices are beyond the reach of many Venezuelans.
Federico Parra/AFP via Getty Images

Germany's economy stumbles, once again making it the "sick man of Europe"

Oct 26, 2023
Business activity in Germany contracted for a fourth straight month in October. Experts are labeling Europe’s largest economy the "sick man of Europe."
The International Monetary Fund expects Germany's economy to contract 0.3% this year. Above, the banking district skyline of Frankfurt.
Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images

Israel-Hamas war's human cost is primary, but geopolitical risk to economy persists

Oct 18, 2023
If the conflict widens to include direct confrontation with other nations in the Middle East, the economic shockwaves could be significant.
“The geopolitical pot is just boiling,” said Bernard Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group. Above, a man walks through debris in Gaza City on Oct. 11.
Mahmud Hams/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. dollar's strength is mostly bad news for countries and companies around the world

Sep 6, 2023
Central banks have a couple of tools they can use to push back, including interest rate hikes and selling U.S. dollars..
The U.S. dollar spent August surging against Asian currencies.
Behrouz Mehri/AFP via Getty Images

The dollar's falling back to Earth as other countries raise their own interest rates

Aug 22, 2023
A year ago, U.S. exporters were complaining that the dollar was too strong. Not anymore.
A weaker U.S. dollar could help companies that export, while importers might have to pay more for the products they bring in.
Adem Altan/AFP via Getty Images

China's exports are falling, and that's a bad sign for the global economy

Aug 8, 2023
China is the world’s top exporter, and its trade data is a barometer for consumer spending around the world.
China’s exports fell 14.5% in July from a year earlier, the biggest decline since the start of the pandemic. Above, a port in China's eastern Jiangsu province.
STR/AFP via Getty Images

Why China's economic rebound has fallen short of expectations

Aug 7, 2023
After China lifted its zero-COVID policy, economists expected the economy to come roaring back. That hasn't quite happened.
Consumers saddled with debt after China's housing bubble burst are less inclined to go on spending sprees.
Jade Gao/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Panama Canal faces uncertain future because of climate change, drought

Jul 31, 2023
Six percent of all global trade passes through the canal’s 50-mile stretch of water. New passage restrictions could particularly harm the U.S. economy — since it's the nation that uses the trade route most.
Above, a ship navigates the Panama Canal in Panama City. The canal authority puts restrictions on shipping companies when there’s not enough water.
Luis Acosta/AFP via Getty Images

With new government hires, Turkey may be headed back to economic sanity

Recently re-elected President Erdogan's appointments to top government positions may signal a return to normal economic policy.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan acknowledges supporters at the presidential palace after winning reelection in a runoff on May 29, 2023 in Ankara, Turkey.
Chris McGrath/Getty Images

How Argentina's economy crumbled

Jun 2, 2023
The nation’s economic crisis, marked by unhinged inflation, has been developing for at least a decade, says economist Monica de Bolle.
Argentina's inflation crisis has its roots in the country's history of economic mismanagement, economist Monica de Bolle says.
Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP via Getty Images