The truth Hertz

Mar 5, 2009
GM finally acknowledged today in its annual report that its survival is in "substantial doubt." GM said it could be forced to file for bankruptcy...

Drive 'em into the ground

Mar 3, 2009
The latest car sales numbers just came in, and they truly are bad enough to make a grown man cry. GM and Ford sales fell by half in February. At...

A ballpoint pen or a share of stock?

Feb 25, 2009
AP writer Mark Williams has a telling breakdown on the stock values of some major companies. I'll give you the highlights with up-to-the-minute...

You go, Sweden

Feb 19, 2009
The board of car company Saab is reportedly meeting right now to go over the details of reorganizing. This move is short of bankruptcy but would...

GM gives battered biofuels a push

Aug 5, 2008
American farmers' move toward growing more corn for ethanol production has been one of the factors cited for rapidly rising food costs. The...