Detroit automakers respond to more Trump tariff threats

Jan 3, 2017
Building abroad makes economic sense for U.S. automakers.

U.S. automakers’ push into China faces hurdles

Nov 25, 2016
Big American trucks used to be banned, and they're still subject to high tariffs, but GM and Ford seem to think the time is right.
Elevated motorways in Shanghai on, 2015.

Gas prices are down, but electric vehicles are in

Jan 28, 2016
GM's Pam Fletcher sits down with Kai Ryssdal to discuss investing in electric vehicles
General Motors Company CEO Mary Barra and Mark Reuss, executive vice president arrive in a 2017 Chevrolet Bolt at a press conference at the 2016 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan, January 11, 2016. 

Ahead of labor talks, GM puts pressure on itself

Mar 11, 2015
GM's $10 billion shareholder payout could have autoworkers pushing for a raise.

The 'good news, bad news' behind stock buybacks

Mar 9, 2015
Following investor pressure, GM says it will return $10 billion to shareholders

It's all about the hardware at Detroit auto show

Jan 12, 2015
Another auto-show trend: Everything's going to be 'kind of environmentally responsible.'

GM just issued its seventh recall... since Thursday

Oct 7, 2014
This time for police cars.

For public good, not for profit.

CEO tries to reset General Motors' brand

Oct 2, 2014
Mary Barra promises higher profits, but also better cars.

GM's post-recall strategy pays dividends

Jul 24, 2014
The automaker has handled the crisis over faulty ignition switches well. What now?