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Gmail was launched 20 April Fools' Days ago. The joke's been on its rivals.

Apr 1, 2024
For better or worse, the email service has become a personal archive for many millions of users.
Google Workspace, which includes Gmail, has 3 billion users.
S3studio/Getty Images

Google offers email with extra security for journalists, politicians, activists ... and you?

Nov 7, 2018
What difference could it make for people with valuable info in their inbox?
Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images

Using personal email addresses for work isn't uncommon

Mar 4, 2015
But when you're Hillary Clinton, it's not as easy to sidestep a work email account

How to unsend an email

Mar 25, 2014
A helpful instruction guide and a brief history of mistaken emails.

Google pushes advertisers to buy ads for all devices

Oct 17, 2013
Is Google’s strong-arming of advertisers to buy ads across multiple platforms paying off?

A change to the email inbox means marketers need to adapt

Sep 18, 2013
Retailers and email marketers are upset that Gmail's new updates are hurting their sales.

Gmail's new inbox sorts spam and bacon

Jul 29, 2013
Google changed its popular free email service Gmail last week. Where once there was one true inbox, now there seems to be three.

For public good, not for profit.

Gmail fail? Microsoft says it has a new Outlook

Feb 19, 2013
Microsoft is launching a $30 million ad campaign today to promote Outlook.com -- a new product meant to compete with Internet-based email systems like Google Inc.’s Gmail.

Microsoft on the attack against Google in new ads

Feb 7, 2013
New "Scroogled" campaign raises questions about the efficacy of attack ads in the commercial realm.

The future of Hulu

Apr 18, 2012
The web video service is busting out original content. Plus, we recover from the Gmail outage.