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Google Transparency Project isn't all that transparent

Sep 21, 2010
Google is always getting asked by governments around the world to take down certain material or to hand over data. They sometimes go along with it,...

Internet Explorer 9 beta launches

Sep 15, 2010
I think we need a new story category on this blog: Geek Chow. Stories that probably don't matter a whole lot in the short term to the average...

Google to take baby steps toward social networking

Sep 15, 2010
We've been waiting for the alleged “Google Me” project to surface for a while now. Supposedly it was going to be Google's Facebook...

Google engineer fired for snooping

Sep 15, 2010
Google has fired engineer David Barksdale for accessing private information from users' Google Voice, Gmail, and instant messaging accounts. The...

Google exec says Android not ready for tablets

Sep 10, 2010
This is an under-the-radar story that seems to matter quite a bit. Hugo Barra, director of products for mobile at Google says that the Android...

What will you do with the time you save on Google Instant?

Sep 9, 2010
Google says that if you use the new Instant feature, you'll save 2 to 5 seconds per search. We want to know what you'll do with that time (we're...

Google Instant

Sep 8, 2010
Because clicking something is a real pain. You'll never get that 1/5th of a second back. You could have been using that time to volunteer in your...

For public good, not for profit.

Google tries to get peoples' attention. It works.

Sep 8, 2010
Yesterday, the page was all these crazy bouncing balls. Today it's white lettering that fills in color letter by letter when you type...

The future, according to Eric Schmidt

Sep 7, 2010
I keep wondering whether someone at Google will tell this guy to stop talking. A while back was Schmidt's assertion that in the future it will be...

What do the balls mean?!

Sep 7, 2010
This final note, in which I try crowdsourcing to help figure out something that's been bugging me all day. What's up with Google today? Y'know ho...