Trump's top economist makes his pitch for corporate tax cuts

Nov 3, 2017
White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Kevin Hassett talked about the tax bill, and how he sees workers getting that $4,000 raise.
Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Kevin Hassett testifies during a hearing before the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee Oct. 25 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

What’s better, a deduction or a tax credit?

Nov 2, 2017
The true impact of the Republican tax proposal on the middle class can’t really be measured just yet. We do know it would create a new “family credit” and expand the child tax credit used by working families. On the other hand, the personal exemption taxpayers can now claim for themselves and each of their […]

Key question on the GOP tax plan: What’s your ZIP code?

Nov 2, 2017
The GOP tax bill as written gets rid of deductions for state and local income taxes and would cap state and local property tax deductions at $10,000. It would also limit the mortgage interest deduction by capping it at $500,000 for future home purchases. These provisions will have a bigger impact in some parts of […]

Why does the GOP want to give corporate America a big tax cut?

Nov 2, 2017
After months of big promise and bullet-pointed lists, the GOP is out with a tax bill today. It is a long way from final. Democrats, business groups and others are already pushing back hard against elements of the plan. Among the changes the GOP is touting loudest and seems most committed to is a plan […]

Inside the last-minute wrangling on the tax bill

Nov 1, 2017
Today is not the day we get a look at the GOP tax plan. Late last night, the House Ways and Means committee delayed the scheduled release of the text of the bill by a day. For now, there are many details to be worked out before the big reveal. Word is, Republicans are still […]

How will millionaires fare in the tax bill?

Nov 1, 2017
Today, we’re expecting to get details on the proposed Republican tax bill. One thing to look out for is a possible change to the way top earners are taxed. A so-called millionaire’s tax has been floated to a mixed reception. Some say such a tax would be aimed at making the bill more sellable.  Click […]

As Republicans get ready to reveal a tax plan, a look at how they might pay for it

Oct 31, 2017
With all the focus on the Republican tax plan due out this week, we take a look at some of the ways they may pay for it: cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. The Republicans’ budget blueprint calls for funding reductions to both programs. What might that mean for low-income people and seniors who depend on […]

For public good, not for profit.

Hey! Hands off my deduction

Oct 27, 2017
The battle lines are being drawn as the tax bill nears.

How the GOP tax plan could hurt charities

Oct 17, 2017
The framework would give fewer people tax incentives to give.
President Donald Trump speaks on tax reform at Harrisburg International Airport last week in Middletown, Pennsylvania.

Why so much of the U.S. tax code is social policy

Oct 2, 2017
Our tax code supports a whole lot of social programs. No wonder it's complicated.
Piles of tax forms at the 58th Street Library in New York City.
Mario Tama/Getty Images