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Is running the government like running a business?

Oct 31, 2012
Running the U.S. economy is just like running a business, right? Not necessarily. Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the differences between a president and CEO.
Running the U.S. economy is just like running a business, right? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains the differences between a president and CEO.

The Digital Vote: States and Nonprofits Push for Voter Registration Online

Sep 24, 2012
Let's start with the anatomy of a troll: First you email. Then you follow up with a text. Then, if all else fails, you place a phone call. All of this to get your kid in college to register to vote. Technology to the rescue?

Do Americans want less government?

Sep 20, 2012
Mitt Romney and President Obama will be crisscrossing the state of Florida today. In recent weeks, one issue is becoming central to the campaign: Whether the government is over-regulating business.

Middle class moochers?

Sep 6, 2012
How tax exemptions and subsidies help pay for the American lifestyle.

Americans concerned about government corruption

Aug 2, 2012
Gallup's latest data reveals Americans' priorities for whichever man wins the fall presidential election.

How Americans view institutions, big and small

Jun 21, 2012
As part of our weekly Attitude Check, we look at recent Gallup data on how Americans feel about big versus small business, government, and other institutions.

The rich don't control Washington

May 9, 2012
Commentator Robert Samuelson says that contrary to popular wisdom, it's actually the poor and the middle-class who control the government.

For public good, not for profit.

Silly taxes historically made for clever dodgers

Apr 13, 2012
Throughout history, rulers have imposed taxes on everything from wigs to windows, but astute tax avoiders have always found a way to escape them.

Government must promote savings

Feb 24, 2012
Marketplace's economics editor Chris Farrell says government needs to push sound saving, rather than sound borrowing.