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Hybrid minivans coming soon

Apr 1, 2011
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Chrysler have teamed up to make hybrid minivans that could be cheaper than current hybrid systems,...

Could be curtains for open government sites

Apr 1, 2011
Sites like and - sites designed to make government more transparent - will likely be shut down by May 31. The Office...

Google picks Kansas City, KS

Mar 31, 2011
A lot of cities are disappointed this morning that they did not get chosen for Google's big experimental fiber optic network. But Kansas City,...

LightSquared still making people upset

Mar 31, 2011
I think I must write one of these items a week. There's more concern about the new wireless network. This time, it's the Pentagon. The Defense...

Cute YouTube video of primate turns into bad news for the endangered species

Mar 30, 2011
There's this really cute video on YouTube of a slow loris getting tickled. So cute. It just raises its arms up in the air and enjoys a little...

State attorneys general have hackles raised over AT&T-Mobile

Mar 30, 2011
Attorneys general from New York, Connecticut and Minnesota have all said they're concerned about the proposed AT&T and T-Mobile deal. New York...

For public good, not for profit.

Google getting edged out of China

Mar 30, 2011
Google search was yanked out of China a year ago. Recently, Chinese users have been seeing slowed Gmail service (which Google claims is the result...

Massive security holes in NASA's computer networks

Mar 30, 2011
A government report says that missions could be compromised and sensitive data could be leaked out due to big problems in the security of NASA...

Products to help block web access in the Middle East made in the U.S.

Mar 28, 2011
The Wall Street Journal writes today about U.S. companies that make web blocking and filtering software being used in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait...