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Two net neutrality hearings this week

Feb 14, 2011
The House Judiciary Intellectual Property subcommittee will hold a hearing on Tuesday with witnesses Gigi Sohn of Public Knowledge (pro net...

National Wireless Initiative

Feb 11, 2011
This was announced by President Obama yesterday in Michigan. It calls for the freeing up of 500mhz of spectrum. That would be procured by way of...

Obama's wireless plan

Feb 10, 2011
President Obama will be in Michigan today talking about his plan to get 98% of the country wireless service. He's expected to say his plan will...

Leahy courts Google for support of anti-piracy bill

Feb 10, 2011
There's a hearing coming up next Wednesday in the Senate on the issue of piracy. CNET is reporting that Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT) is attempting to...

Three people involved in Wikileaks ask court not to force Twitter to give up information

Feb 9, 2011
Is Wikileaks a criminal conspiracy or a political discussion? That seems to be at the heart of a debate over whether Twitter should be forced to g...

Countries with short web suffixes are making money

Feb 7, 2011
Commercials for the web hosting company GoDaddy are weird enough already (they try to be sexy but just end up hostile and confusing) (insert...

Markey and Barton poke Facebook again

Feb 2, 2011
Politico reports Congressmen Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) are sending another letter to Facebook today concerned about privacy...

For public good, not for profit.

Internet back on in Egypt

Feb 2, 2011
Reports are coming in that all major internet service providers are reconnected in Egypt and things are flowing once again. But the Washington Pos...

Google and Twitter team up on Egyptian work around

Feb 1, 2011
If you can get to a phone in Egypt, you can send a tweet. That's thanks to a new system set up rather quickly by Twitter, Google, and SayNow (an...

Senator wants U.S. president to have kill switch power

Jan 31, 2011
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on Friday she's going to re-introduce a bill that would give the President the power to shut off the internet....