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FBI is looking for Anonymous in the U.S.

Jan 28, 2011
After 5 people associated with Anonymous were arrested in the UK, the FBI announced Thursday they've got 40 search warrants for people in the US...

Anonymous goes political, starts attacking Egyptian government

Jan 27, 2011
The Egyptian unrest has provided a real test case in how social media and web culture can be used in political hotspots. Now, Anonymous, the...

Department of Justice calls for reform on ISP data retention

Jan 26, 2011
Right now, internet service providers hold on to data logs for about 90 days before its deleted. To compile and archive records of who connected...

Twitter says it was blocked in Egypt

Jan 26, 2011
There are anti-government protests happening in Egypt, as you know. People protesting the Mubarak regime, which has been in power for 30 years,...

Hacker storefront freaks people out

Jan 24, 2011
There are some screen shots going around about a supposed storefront where you can buy hacked access to a whole host of .gov, .mil, and .edu sites....

Verizon comes out swinging on net neutrality

Jan 21, 2011
Long after the sun swallows the earth and then collapses into itself becoming a black hole that sucks all matter and light into it, we will still...

Republican congresswoman going after net neutrality hard

Jan 19, 2011
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is no fan of the recent FCC action to address concerns about net neutrality. She thinks it went way too far in...

For public good, not for profit.

Comcast deal has interesting strings attached

Jan 19, 2011
As expected, the FCC and Justice approved the Comcast acquisition of NBC Universal. And as expected, there were conditions attached. The list is...

California city thinking of putting DUI offenders on Facebook

Jan 18, 2011
Huntington Beach, California is ranked first in the state for alcohol-related driving deaths. Now councilman Devin Dwyer wants to take a bold step:...

Reapers in action, or at least simulated action

Jan 14, 2011
Our show on Tuesday is all about the global arms race to build faster, more powerful, more nimble, deadlier UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). We...