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D.C. electronic voting system attacked by Wolverines!

Oct 5, 2010
Imagine you're in charge of a new electronic voting system in Washington, D.C. You're confident that it's secure so you challenge hackers of the...

US Senate brings real change to America: sets volume limits on TV commercials

Oct 1, 2010
In a bill that makes total sense yet for some reason took decades to even come to a vote, the Senate passed a bill that will require television...

All eyes turn to FCC in net neutrality debate

Sep 30, 2010
Now that Rep. Henry Waxman's net neutrality bill died before even getting out of committee, congressional Democrats are looking to the FCC to...

Biblical clue in Stuxnet worm?

Sep 30, 2010
We talked this week about the Stuxnet computer worm. It's a bit of malware that attacks infrastructure system controls as opposed to electronic...

Texting bans for drivers don't make much difference

Sep 29, 2010
This according to a new study. Because if you're stupid enough to text while driving, are you really going to follow laws? I didn't think so....

Google has been found guilty of libel in France.

Sep 27, 2010
A convicted sex offender who is appealing his conviction objected to the word "rape" coming up in a search of his name. The French court said he's...

Google's election guide

Sep 22, 2010
Can be found here. Lots of fun to drill down into for political junkies.

For public good, not for profit.

Google Transparency Project isn't all that transparent

Sep 21, 2010
Google is always getting asked by governments around the world to take down certain material or to hand over data. They sometimes go along with it,...

Google and competition

Sep 17, 2010
On Thursday, a House subcommittee heard testimony about Google and the issues of competition and dominance in the digital marketplace....

White space spectrum to be made available by FCC

Sep 13, 2010
It's a complicated issue to explain but in short: when the switch to digital television happened, there were parts of the spectrum that were no...