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Government science agencies still lack permanent leaders

Aug 15, 2017
Of 577 key federal jobs requiring Senate confirmation, only 106 have had nominees put forward by President Trump. That’s according to the count by the Washington Post and the Partnership for Public Service. Those vacancies include leadership roles at NASA and NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. With no one at the helm, science-based […]

Is it ever OK to ask children to translate for their parents in emergency situations?

Aug 15, 2017
Immigrant parents often depend on their children to translate for them.
Ft. Wayne police now carry language identifier notebooks with them as a way to determine and locate appropriate interpretation services. 
Erika Celeste/for Marketplace

As Obamacare stays – for now – health insurance companies look elsewhere for profits

Jul 19, 2017
After months and years of trying, there’s going to be no replacing — or repealing — of Obamacare. At least for now. You might expect that health insurance companies have been holding their breath, waiting to see what’s next. But it turns out many of the larger insurers don’t make much of their money selling insurance in […]

Governors take up policy initiative as Trump administration struggles

Jul 13, 2017
Global leadership attendance at the National Governors Association underscores the increasingly important role statehouses are playing in shaping what normally has been federal policy.

Trump visits Poland before G-20 conference

Jul 5, 2017
President Trump leaves today for Poland. On Thursday, he’ll meet members of the Eastern European nation’s conservative government, which is hawkish on matters such as defense and immigration. The visit comes on the eve of a G-20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

A big win for France's centrist party in parliamentary elections could push forward labor reform

Jun 9, 2017
Last month, France elected pro-business political newcomer Emmanuel Macron as president, but the French aren’t done voting. The country’s parliamentary elections kick off Sunday, and the president’s new centrist party is expected to win a large majority. If that happens, Macron could have the support he needs to reform France’s strong labor protection laws, which […]

The Trump administration struggles to bring down its own unemployment rate

Jun 8, 2017
Hundreds of important positions remain unfilled, and most of them require Senate confirmation.
From left, President Trump with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice President Mike Pence (seated) and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Kansas legislature rejects 2012 tax cuts, once seen as a conservative model

Jun 8, 2017
Lawmakers override the governor to get taxes back on the books.
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback pushed the tax cuts in 2012 and has defended them since. Lawmakers voted to override his veto and roll back many of those tax cuts this week.
Stephen Koranda

More than 10 percent of US electricity is coming from renewable sources

Jun 2, 2017
The U.S. Energy Information Administration published data this week showing that more than 10 percent of U.S. electricity came from renewable sources like wind and solar in the first quarter of this year. That’s well above what the federal agency predicted years ago. What happened? Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Tax collectors are crying poor

May 25, 2017
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney were on Capitol Hill this week sounding the alarm on the debt ceiling. That’s the limit on how much debt the government can rack up. Mnuchin and Mulvaney said Congress might have to lift or suspend the debt limit sooner than planned. […]