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Puerto Rico could run out of money in three months

Apr 24, 2015
The economy crashed when corporations moved out, but the government kept spending.

Drawing the line between contributions and bribes

Mar 9, 2015
When it comes to a bribery investigation, a number of factors are considered.

‘Am I crazy?' Deciding to work for the government

Jan 20, 2014
There have been pay freezes, hiring freezes, and on top of that, there was the shutdown just a few months ago.

Major tech companies want government to ease up on the spying

Dec 9, 2013
Eight major tech companies have rallied against the NSA’s spying efforts in an openly published letter.

Filibuster reform: 'Nuclear option' melts Washington's hiring freeze

Nov 22, 2013
The Democrats go nuclear and finally crack the ice on what has amounted to a hiring freeze, since President Obama took office.

7 lessons the U.S. government could learn from Marketplace Money

Oct 4, 2013
Our listeners are a smart, helpful bunch when it comes to money. Congress seems like it could use some help...
A view of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC. 

Snowden NSA leak raises questions about intelligence contractors

Jun 10, 2013
Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old private intelligence contractor has revealed himself as the NSA leaker. How did he get access and what does it say about our intelligence apparatus?

For public good, not for profit.

Friday furloughs mean less services

May 24, 2013
Thanks to sequestration, roughly 115,000 federal workers at the IRS, EPA, HUD and OMB get an unpaid holiday. Does anybody really notice that the offices are closed on the first day of the long Memorial Day weekend?

If millionaires formed a political party, they'd have a lock on government

May 9, 2013
A Duke professor asks: What would happen if all the millionaires in public office joined a single political party? Answer: They'd control the federal government by a wide margin.

Cass Sunstein on making government simpler, not smaller

Apr 8, 2013
As head of the White House office that deals with government regulation under President Obama, Cass Sunstein pushed for fewer rules and lower costs. His new book lays out a path for simpler, if not smaller, government going forward.