Piggy for Greece

Jun 22, 2012
A thank you gift to the people of Athens for not taking the world economy this past week... phew.
Jamie McDonald/Getty Images

A guide to the Greek elections

Jun 15, 2012
This weekend Greece will hold crucial elections that may determine its future in the eurozone. The results will test global markets and Germany's pro-austerity resolve.

In Athens, uncertainty about weekend elections

Jun 15, 2012
The general election in Greece this weekend could shape the pace of the world economy for months to come. What will we know and what won't we know after the polls close in Greece Sunday?

Greece hurls Europe back into crisis mode

May 14, 2012
Greece struggles to form a government after many voters rejected pro-austerity parties. Reneging on its promises could mean an exit from the euro.

No new government yet for Greece puts future in doubt

May 9, 2012
Though Greece held elections over the weekend, a new government hasn't formed. Nick Malkoutzis with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini discusses the uncertainty surrounding the nation.

Markets worry as Greece struggles to form government

May 9, 2012
Once again investors are focusing on Greece as the nation tries to form a coalition government. It looks like more turmoil is on the horizon.

Greek PM: We're on our way to economic recovery

Mar 19, 2012
Lucas Papademos says the majority of Greeks are knuckling down to the agreed budget cuts and economic reforms as the country's second financial bailout sets in.

For public good, not for profit.

What do we owe Greece?

Feb 23, 2012
Commentator Angelo Tsarouchas puts a price tag on what Greece has given the world.

European finance ministers close to agreement on Greece

Feb 20, 2012
The second bailout deal for Greece seems imminent, but it still won't bring a total end to the debt crisis.