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Second quarter GDP revised upward

Aug 29, 2013
There's news today U.S. economy was surprisingly strong -- once upon a time.

Why you should be scared by 1.7% GDP growth

Jul 31, 2013
The U.S. economy expanded 1.7 percent in the spring months -- but does that mean the recovery is out of the woods?

No joke: The U.S. government says Kim Kardashian helps the economy

Jun 28, 2013
The U.S. government is set to begin calculating GDP in a way that factors in the economic value of entertainment, such as Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Angelina Jolie.

Why there's nothing wrong with a 2.5 percent increase in GDP

Apr 26, 2013
With all the dysfunction in government and economies, why should a 2.5 percent increase in GDP sound bad?

Will jobs numbers follow GDP to show slower economy?

Feb 1, 2013
January unemployment numbers will help economists figure out which direction the economy is headed.

U.S. economy shrinks for first time since 2009

Jan 30, 2013
GDP shrank 0.1 percent last quarter. Private investment rose, but government spending fell. That bodes ill if automatic budget cuts can’t be avoided.

China's economic growth drops to 13-year low

Jan 18, 2013
The world's fastest growing economy just posted it's worst growth figures in over a decade. Is it time to be concerned?

For public good, not for profit.

Weekly Wrap: Contrary economic indicators

Jul 27, 2012
The Dow vaulted back over 13,000 while Gross Domestic Product just treads water in the shallow end of the pool. What can we take away from the latest economic data?
Cargo containers are stacked on a ship docked at the Port of Oakland in California. Economic output in the United States hasn't caught up yet to pre-pandemic levels.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

China reports slower GDP growth at 7.6%

Jul 13, 2012
Economic growth numbers from China did not fail to live up to the hype. China's GDP growth slowed in the latest quarter to to 7.6 percent -- the slowest in three years.

China braces for slower GDP growth

Jul 12, 2012
For the past few years, China has had much higher economic growth rates than we're seeing in the U.S. But when China releases its latest GDP figures tomorrow, forecasters are expecting the worst growth in three years.