Who is the Syrian Electronic Army?

Aug 28, 2013
After they momentarily took down the New York Times web site and Twitter, the Syrian Electronic Army gained a new notoriety.

At Def Con, hackers join together to 'hack everything'

Aug 5, 2013
At hacking conference Def Con, hackers look beyond just the internet.

Good hack, bad hack: A cybersecurity camp teaches the ethics of hacking

Jul 2, 2013
Engineers like to take things apart to learn how they work. When applied to computer networks, the urge can increasingly get young techies in trouble.

1900s rural farmers: The original hackers?

Jun 19, 2013
As far back as the early 1900s, rural farmers and ranchers -- or you could call them hackers -- set up their own phone lines themselves.

Are Chinese hackers targeting U.S. weapons systems?

May 28, 2013
Two dozen U.S. military weapons systems have been compromised by Chinese hackers, according to the Washington Post.

Twitter launches two-step login to stem hacking

May 24, 2013
Twitter is launching a new extra layer of security, but will it stop hackers?

Hack back: Spear phishing and how you can avoid it

May 21, 2013
'Spear phishing', a form of targeted hacking, is drawing a lot of attention. How can you protect yourself?

For public good, not for profit.

Call me a spammer? I'll attack the Internet

Mar 27, 2013
Why a site that rents space to just about anyone is attacking vulnerabilities in the basic architecture of the Internet.

Can a company 'hack back' to retrieve stolen secrets?

Mar 13, 2013
Corporations and the U.S. government team up to go on the offense against hackers.

Java problems, Aaron Swartz's legacy, and Tactus's amazing keyboard

Jan 15, 2013
Internet computing language Java may be leaving your computer vulnerable to hackers. Did overly-aggressive prosecutors drive software wunderkind Aaron Swartz to suicide? And, a look at a new technology that could change the future of keyboards and gaming controllers.