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What the health care law means for the restaurant industry

Jun 29, 2012
One group of Americans that may be particularly worried about the Supreme Court's health care ruling is the restaurant industry.

American people like some parts of the health care law

Jun 28, 2012
The healthcare law itself may be unpopular but parts of it are quite attractive to the American people, according to Gallup research.

Health economist: Health law still a work in progress

Jun 28, 2012
Professor Uwe Reinhardt on what needs to happen next and how the health insurance mandate is working out in the state of Massachusetts.

How Americans feel about their health care

Jun 28, 2012
Ahead of today's health care ruling, we check in with Gallup editor-in-chief Frank Newport about how Americans feel about their health care, especially compared to the rest of the world.

How Europeans view the U.S. health care debate

Jun 28, 2012
The problems that got us today's health care Supreme Court decision -- rising health care costs, the pull between personal liberty and the social safety net -- are familiar around the world, even if the solutions have been very different.

Looking deeper at SCOTUS health care decision

Jun 28, 2012
In a 5-4 decision -- the way the U.S. Supreme Court likes to roll out all big-time decisions lately -- the Court has upheld president Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The key vote in favor came from Chief Justice John Roberts. The U.S. economy that's been preparing to implement this huge law can carry on -- basically.

Final note on health care: We'll have to wait and see

Jun 28, 2012
For all the analysis and predictions about the health care reform law, nobody knows what will happen.

For public good, not for profit.

Rep. Phillip Gingrey: 'Shocked' by health care ruling

Jun 28, 2012
Georgia congressman Phil Gingrey discusses Republican strategy in response to the Supreme Court's upholding of the Affordable Care Act.

Will health care reform be good for the U.S. economy?

Jun 28, 2012
Now that the dust has settled on the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, it's time to take a closer look at the trickle-down effects of the law.

The health care law's legacy

Jun 25, 2012
Even if the Affordable Care Act is thrown out by the Supreme Court, some changes spurred by the law are here to stay.