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Supreme Court announces immigration law ruling

Jun 25, 2012
The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down large portions of Arizona's new immigration law. Arizona had argued the Congressional stalemate over immigration left it no choice but to take action. But the Court has invalidated a number of key provisions.

A response from the Relative Value Update Committee

Jun 19, 2012
We did a story last week about health care costs and a part of the American Medical Association called the Relative Value Update Committee -- RUC. The head of the committee responds to the story.

Do Americans support the Affordable Care Act?

Jun 14, 2012
Any day now, the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act will come down. Two years since the act was passed, what do American's think of the reforms?

SCOTUS decision on health care law may spark more options

Jun 13, 2012
Commentator Robert Reich says health insurance lobby could unwittingly revive the "public option."

The world of health-care pricing

Jun 11, 2012
A committee of the American Medical Association plays an important role in Medicare's setting of prices for medical procedures.

Microsoft makes 'Do Not Track' the default

Jun 4, 2012
Advertisers are not amused. In the upcoming version of Windows, Internet Explorer will have its "Do Not Track" feature turned on by default. Goodbye creepy ads that seem to follow you around -- hello, more generic ads for great deals on car insurance?

The mobile Internet economy

May 31, 2012
The troubled Facebook IPO is casting a pall over high tech (wrongly, I think). The signal moment for the emergence of an even larger digital economy wasn't Facebook. It was Apple's iPad. It's the visible symbol of the rapid embrace of wireless data -- video, images, content, data and communication -- throughout the global economy. A safe forecast: The mobile Internet will transform personal finance.

For public good, not for profit.

A new frontier for wireless medical devices?

May 22, 2012
An FCC vote this week could allocate part of the broadcast spectrum for a new wave of health care technology.

Health care costs climb for kids

May 21, 2012
A report from a new think tank called Health Care Cost Institute says spending on health care for children under 18 is rising nearly one-and-a-half times faster than for those 55 to 64.

A startling health-care bill

May 9, 2012
The mutual fund giant Fidelity calculates that a 65-year-old couple retiring in 2012 will need around $240,000 to cover medical expenses through their retirement. Ouch!