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Rethinking hospital readmissions

Feb 7, 2012
Starting this fall, hospitals that readmit the same patients over and over in a short period of time will be fined. That has medical providers looking for better ways to keep people healthy when they're off hospital grounds.

WellPoint announces plan to boost doctor pay

Jan 27, 2012
The health insurer WellPoint today announced a plan to pay primary care doctors as much as 10 percent more, with the hope of reducing the overall cost of health care.

Health care spending rising more slowly

Jan 9, 2012
The rapid rate of growth is slowing, but many people aren't feeling the change.

This week: Health care reform in 2012

Jan 6, 2012
Marketplace's health reporter Gregory Warner discusses what parts of the health care reform law will come into effect this year.

How will the Supreme Court tackle health care?

Jan 3, 2012
It stands to be one of the biggest Supreme Court cases in the last decade: The argument over the constitutionality of the health care law. The final decision won't be easy to predict.

States snuff out smoking prevention programs

Dec 28, 2011
Faced with big budget gaps, state governments are taking money away from programs that help people quit smoking. Analysts say this will cost more in the long run.

Not-for-profit hospitals?

Dec 20, 2011
The name implies health care for the poor in exchange for tax breaks. But it turns out it's not that simple.

For public good, not for profit.

Bipartisan legislation on Medicare unveiled

Dec 16, 2011
Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Paul Ryan released a bipartisan Medicare reform plan. The timing, amid budget and payroll tax fights, could be intentional.

Home care workers may get minimum wage, overtime

Dec 15, 2011
The administration's proposal could help a growing industry retain workers. But some say high labor costs could limit care for the elderly and disabled.

Bipartisan Medicare deal proposed in Washington

Dec 15, 2011
This morning, a right-wing Republican and left-wing Democrat have announced a plan to reform Medicare that may -- that may -- put policy over politics.