The Supremes and the health overhaul

Mar 26, 2012
However the Supreme Court decides its ruling will push health-care reform to the top of the campaign debate. Health reform won't go away. The costs of the system are too high. The fiscal, economic and household pressures remain too great. Back to the future won't work.

Slim savings with consumer-driven health plan

Feb 13, 2012
There is a lot of theory motivating consumer-driven health plans like the HSA, much of it reminiscent of ideas promoted with the rise of the 401(k) retirement savings plan. Well, three decades later the 401(k) has turned out to be a deeply flawed pension. The same is likely to be true with consumer-driven healthcare plans.

Investing in a health savings account

Dec 20, 2011
For 2012, I'm switching to a high-deductible health plan and will enroll in the associated health savings account. What investment strategy do you recommend? Cash, bonds or total market? Ken, Portland, OR

Tax Question: Can Uncle Sam help me with heathcare?

Apr 14, 2011
All this week I've been answering last-minute tax questions as part of Marketplace Money's special report on tax season, and here's the latest....