Hillary Clinton's new LinkedIn résumé

May 21, 2015
LinkedIn is not the most popular social media site, but candidates can find a niche.

Do you know if your e-book's been updated?

May 15, 2015
The publisher of "Clinton Cash" revised several points in the e-book version

The bookstore primaries

Apr 23, 2015
Candidates release books around election season to frame coverage, not make money.

How to get voters to reconsider a repeat candidate

Apr 16, 2015
Hillary Clinton is working to refresh her image after a long career.

Building a private email server

Mar 5, 2015
...and why it is such a difficult process.

Using personal email addresses for work isn't uncommon

Mar 4, 2015
But when you're Hillary Clinton, it's not as easy to sidestep a work email account

For public good, not for profit.

Hillary Clinton's email isn't necessarily insecure

Mar 3, 2015
Private systems like clintonemail.com, can be more secure than government servers

Closing the gender gap

Dec 15, 2014
Women's global economic and social issues are entering the age of big data.

The economics behind a celebrity's book

Jun 30, 2014
Sales of “Hard Choices” slipped significantly after its first week on sale.