Tell us: What’s a piece of old technology you refuse to give up?

Jul 9, 2013
Maybe it’s a record player, slide projector, or a toaster oven you bought in 1992. Does your old gadget outperform new technologies? Why are you still holding on to it?

Abandoned buildings get starring role in social media

May 8, 2013
Some people like to go into old, vacant buildings to post photos and video of their exploits on social media sites like Instagram and Flickr. Sometimes, that can be an advantage for real estate agents.

Britain celebrates its Huguenot heritage

Apr 24, 2013
Immigration is a contentious issue in Britain, but the country recently celebrated one of the most successful immigrant groups -- French Protestants or Huguenots.

The economics of creating national monuments

Mar 25, 2013
President Obama is expected to name five new national monuments on Monday. In addition to historical significance and land preservation, national monuments can boost local economies through tourism.

How the U.S. was formed by smuggling and piracy

Feb 28, 2013
A new book explores how smuggling and piracy were a financial foundation of colonial American society.

How did you hear the Pope is quitting: Horseback messenger or Taxi TV?

Feb 13, 2013
How does today's news compare to the information technology that was around when the last Pope resigned in 1415?

Henry Ford: The Steve Jobs of his time

Jan 29, 2013
A new documentary looks at the life and work of Henry Ford, one of the greatest innovators in U.S. history.

For public good, not for profit.

Retired war ships navigate the seas of tourism

Jul 12, 2012
As the USS Iowa opens in San Pedro, Calif., a look at what it takes to run a successful war ship museum.

Where they celebrate Independence Day in the U.K.

Jul 4, 2012
George Washington's ancestral home in England, Washington Old Hall, is an historic estate which might be the only place in the U.K. that throws a party for our Independence Day.

World War II code breakers developed your smartphone

Mar 12, 2012
Before there was Marc Zuckerberg, before there was Steve Jobs, before there was Bill Gates, there was Alan Turing. He conceived of the idea of the universal computer.