Tight inventory slows down housing market

Jul 5, 2017
The choke point is home building — which is in turn constrained by limited availability of land, building loans and skilled construction workers.
New entry-level homes for sale in a development by Pahlisch Homes in Vancouver, Washington.
Mitchell Hartman/Marketplace

When your landlord is on the other side of the world

Oct 5, 2016
In Detroit, international investors buy low-cost homes, then rent them to locals.
Houses line a Detroit street. In the city, the median price for an existing home is below $40,000.

Home prices and sales are up, but who's buying?

May 26, 2015
Young buyers boost the market and economy, but not to pre-recession levels.

The downside of rising house prices

Nov 6, 2013
Higher house prices are often seen as a sign of an improving economy, but they have a downside when incomes don't keep pace.

Who's afraid of 5 percent mortgage rates?

Jun 28, 2013
Do fast-rising interest rates threaten the growing recovery in housing? Experts say prices are still low enough to attract buyers.

Housing prices surge, rise 9.3% since last year

Apr 30, 2013
Home prices rose 1.2 percent in February and were up 9.3 percent since last year, according to the S&P Case-Shiller Index.

Recovery hits home prices

Jan 29, 2013
The latest home price numbers from the S&P/Case-Shiller Index show the strongest year-over-year growth since 2006.

For public good, not for profit.

Beetle infestation drives up lumber prices

Oct 26, 2012
A new set of beetles is taking North America by storm, and this time the casualty is the lumber industry. What does this mean for home building and other lumber needs in the U.S.?

How home sales and job growth are related

Sep 26, 2012
We’re getting another pulse check on housing later this morning. The numbers on new home sales for August come out today, and they’re expected to be pretty good. How does an uptick in housing affect the job market? Turns out, they are pretty closely linked.

A positive sign: Profits for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Aug 8, 2012
Rising home prices contribute to profits for the bailed-out mortgage lenders. Higher home prices should help the real estate market and homebuyers, too.