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It's a seller's market

Mar 30, 2012
Home sales in popular neighborhoods are up sharply as the economy continues its slow-but-steady recovery.

Housing market gets good news

Feb 27, 2012
Home sales jumped 8% last month. Those numbers and better than expected quarterly sales in home improvement supplies could mean some long-awaited relief for the housing market.

New-home sales tank in 2011

Dec 23, 2011
This year may go on record as the worst for new-home sales since anyone started keeping record.

To rent or not to rent -- that is the question

Dec 23, 2010
Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics has released a list of 55 U.S. cities organized according to how cost effective it is to rent a home, rather than...

MID-DAY UPDATE: June new home sales rebound 24 percent ...

Jul 26, 2010
/**/ ...And they're STILL at the second-lowest level on record. So there must be plenty of new houses on the market, right? Nope -- fewest i...