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San Francisco homeless shelter inspires copycats

Jun 8, 2016
The city is gathering data to showcase the success of its new program.
The Navigation Center in San Francisco.
Sam Harnett

Hundreds of thousands lose food stamps in Florida

Jun 1, 2016
Some states are reinstating proof of work.
Homeless people line up for food given out by a church group in downtown Miami.
Wilson Sayre/WLRN

Homelessness is on the rise in LA and it's hitting women the hardest

May 11, 2016
Statistics show that there are more than 14,000 homeless women in Los Angeles County
A homeless woman packs up her belongings after a night sleeping on the street in Los Angeles.

Homeless youth in Nashville struggle as rents soar

Mar 28, 2016
To help accurately count homeless youth, one center hosted a slumber party.
About three dozen of Nashville's homeless young adults spent the night at The Oasis Center during this year's "Youth Count," which features a talent show and karaoke slumber party.
Tony Gonzalez/WPLN

Lowering healthcare spending by tackling non-medical issues

Jan 8, 2016
A bold experiment from federal health officials.

California town divided over downtown homeless shelter

Dec 28, 2015
The debate is over a historic hotel offering transitional housing.

Counting the homeless

Nov 20, 2015
The government released new homeless figures. But how is the number counted?
The government released new homeless figures. But how is the number counted?
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Hawaii grappling with homeless emergency

Oct 28, 2015
Governor's declaration frees up $1.3 million for services.

Hidden homeless left out of the economic recovery

Oct 9, 2015
The economy is on the mend, but not for everyone.

Behind New York's Right to Shelter policy

Sep 30, 2015
The city's homeless owe their municipal shelters to an unprecedented lawsuit.
The government released new homeless figures. But how is the number counted?
Spencer Platt/Getty Images