Freelance-onomics 101: Bosses are for suckers

May 15, 2007
Something just doesn't feel right about having to answer to a boss, no? Freelance speechwriter James Braly explains that you take a big chance putting your livelihood in one person's hands. Better to spread the risk around. And give him a condo already.

Losing patience with lending reform

May 11, 2007
Congress has been studying potential actions to curb the risky practices that led to the subprime crisis. Lawmakers are giving the private sector a chance to reform itself, but it better act soon, Steve Tripoli reports.

Toll Bros. not in a luxury position

May 9, 2007
Given the state of the housing market, it wasn't entirely surprising when luxury homebuilder Toll Bros. warned it won't meet its earnings target for the year. Amy Scott reports even the wealthy are feeling some pain.

Most expensive housing moves to London

May 9, 2007
It's official: London is now home to the most expensive residential real estate in the world, according to the newly-released 2007 Wealth Report, beating out Monaco, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Pat Loeb reports.

Subprime neighborhoods

May 8, 2007
People in poor, minority neighborhoods were prime targets for subprime lenders, so when that market crumbled those areas were hardest hit. A nonprofit group has plotted maps showing the disparity in New York City. Ilya Marritz walks us through it.

Consumer sentiment and GDP weak

Apr 27, 2007
A recent consumer sentiment survey found optimsm about the U.S. economy at its lowest point in seven month. And the Commerce Department's bad news about the GDP has already had an effect on Wall Street.

With empty homes, lenders lie low

Apr 17, 2007
Ohio has the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Cleveland and its suburbs are spending millions to maintain homes that nobody wants. And come billing time, lenders are making themselves scarce. Mhari Saito reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Subprime borrowers may have help coming

Apr 17, 2007
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac say they'll unveil new programs this summer to let many subprime borrowers refinance their home loans. But some in Congress say such assistance needs federal oversight. Steve Tripoli reports.

Light shines on Katrina survivor

Apr 16, 2007
After Hurricane Katrina destroyed her Biloxi, Miss., house, Ethel Curry waited a long time for help rebuilding it. That help finally came this winter — from an unlikely source. Stephen Smith reports.

Lenders blame the media

Apr 16, 2007
As the subprime lending market continues to struggle, mortgage bankers are pointing the finger of blame back at the news media, saying the intense coverage is making things worse.