Barclays wants its money back

Mar 15, 2007
The subprime mortgage crisis has rippled across the pond and now British banking giant Barclays is demanding the immediate repayment of $900 million from U.S. subprime lender New Century.

Big players make a subprime choice

Mar 14, 2007
Nervousness over the subprime mortgage market is causing some wild swings in the stock market. Kai Ryssdal talks with the Wall Street Journal's Kate Kelly about the big names who are entering the fray.

Could the economy become subprime?

Mar 13, 2007
Subprime lenders are in trouble. Foreclosures are up. Marketplace's Tess Vigeland talks with Kai Ryssdal about why that matters for the larger housing market and the whole economy.
A foreclosure sign hangs in front of a home in Miami.
Joe Raedle, Getty Images

What fed the subprime lending spree?

Mar 13, 2007
Some experts are pointing to a securitization equation: No consequences for loan originators + investors bundling risky loans = a menu ripe for subprime abuse.

Will New Century's fall make waves?

Mar 12, 2007
Subprime lender New Century moved a step closer to bankruptcy as its lenders called in their loans. Track the falling dominos and it might push the whole economy lower, too. Hillary Wicai reports.

A sub-prime epidemic

Mar 12, 2007
The nation's largest independent sub-prime lender may be the latest victim of the housing slowdown. New Century Financial says the banks that keep its money flowing are cutting the lifelines.

Another subprime lender in trouble

Mar 9, 2007
Analysts are speculating that New Century Financial could be another casualty in the subprime mortgage market. How did the industry get in such a mess? Steve Tripoli reports it was step by reality-ignoring step.

For public good, not for profit.

New attack on predatory lending

Mar 6, 2007
Sub-prime lenders are suffering double-digit drops on Wall Street. Consumer advocates say it's the fallout of shady lending practices, and today they launched a national campaign to address the problem.

U.S. housing a drag on U.K. bank

Mar 5, 2007
HSBC, the U.K.'s largest bank, managed to post a 5 percent second-half profit in spite of $11 billion in losses due to sub-prime loans gone bad in the States.

Not the happiest place on Earth

Feb 27, 2007
Disneyland is suing its hometown of Anaheim, Calif. The park wants to make sure no new housing goes up within two miles of its front door. Pat Loeb reports.