House swap

Dec 25, 2006
You've got a bungalow in Spain. They've got a brownstone in New York. And both of you are thinking 'Let's trade properties for a little R&R vacation.' Tess Vigeland calculates the cost of a swap.
Beach homes in Malibu
David McNew, Getty Images

Headed for a mortgage meltdown

Dec 20, 2006
A new study predicts that one in five Americans with subprime mortgages, about two million of them, could face losing their home to foreclosure. Dan Grech reports.

Markets get an early present in new-home data

Dec 19, 2006
Housing starts were up for November, after a decline the previous month. Some of the biggest home builders now see the housing market stablilizing. But it all might add up to a big lump of coal. Sarah Gardner reports.

A 'dead cat bounce' on Wall Street?

Dec 19, 2006
Analysts are expecting positive numbers when the government releases November housing starts and wholesale prices today, but the good news may be temporary. Sarah Gardner reports.

Mexico's housing market is on the rise

Dec 12, 2006
America's housing market may be slumping but across the border in Mexico houses are going up in record numbers. The folks fueling the market have one foot in each country and benefit from new credit opportunities. Laura Belous reports.

Local budgets rise and fall with housing

Nov 29, 2006
Declining home values aren't just bad for the families who need to sell. They also hurt cities and counties that rely on property taxes for their budgets. Hillary Wicai reports.

Putting a little faith in your listing

Nov 28, 2006
As the housing market cools across the country, sellers are working harder to move their properties. Commentator Mike Hickcox's home sat unsold for six months. That's when he tried something unconventional . . .

For public good, not for profit.

Housing stocks on the rise

Nov 28, 2006
Existing home sales are expected to fall again, but Wall Street is betting the worst of the housing slump is behind us. Is the celebration premature? Amy Scott reports.

Sellers, take Santa off the roof

Nov 27, 2006
If you're trying to sell your home, experts say its best to leave all those holiday decorations in the attic. Alex Cohen reports.

Rent's on the rise

Nov 21, 2006
Residential real estate is on the decline, but the commercial real estate market is still hot — and that means you can expect the rent on your apartment or office space to keep going up. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.