Ukraine not on the agenda as IMF gathers

Apr 11, 2014
The situation in Ukraine is missing from the agenda for the IMF spring meetings in Washington, D.C.

Congress snubs IMF's request for resources

Jan 14, 2014
The International Monetary Fund has ended up smack in the middle of the budget debate in Washington.

Ireland's economy is about to move out of intensive care

Dec 13, 2013
Ireland's bailout comes to an official end on Sunday.

Egypt's loan delay is about prices -- and power

Apr 3, 2013
Egypt needs a loan from the IMF to right its floundering economy, but the money will come with austerity strings attached.
An Egyptian protester applauds during a demonstration in a show of opposition to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood in front of the Presidential palace in Cairo on February 1, 2013.

Egypt downgraded as political tensions continue

Dec 24, 2012
Vital austerity measures could be harder to push through in Egypt as political unrest continues.

IMF delays loan to Egypt

Dec 11, 2012
The International Monetary Fund says a $4.8 billion loan for Egypt is on hold. The IMF cited "unfolding developments on the ground."

For public good, not for profit.

Is the IMF going soft on austerity?

Oct 11, 2012
The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, wants countries to stop cutting and start spending. In Tokyo today, the leader warned that austerity is making the global economy worse.

China snubs Japan with IMF no-show

Oct 10, 2012
As China and Japan are disputing island territories, the head of China's central bank will be a no-show at this week's meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Japan.

U.S. a dim brightspot in the global economy

Oct 9, 2012
The third-quarter earnings season kicked off today with an ominous warning about global growth from the IMF. A weak consolation for Americans is that we are the only major economy where the IMF expects decent growth in the next year.