IMF: U.S. must tackle 'fiscal cliff' to stem global slowdown

Oct 9, 2012
The International Monetary Fund says economic growth in the world economy is slowing down sharply and that even the U.S. recovery is at risk.

IMF's Christine Lagarde urges action on fiscal cliff, euro crisis

Sep 24, 2012
In an exclusive broadcast interview, the International Monetary Fund chief urged U.S. leaders to take swift action on the so-called fiscal cliff, and called for European leaders to continue vetting the region's debt crisis.

Troika inspectors meet in Greece for progress report

Jul 24, 2012
The European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the IMF began meetings in Greece today -- they'd like to know what structural reform progress has been made in return for billions in bailout money.

Spain leads to more woes for Europe

Jul 23, 2012
New fears of a Spanish recession despite bailout measures are shaking global markets today as the threat of Greece's economic crisis still looms large in the region.

IMF says Chinese currency a little stronger

Jun 12, 2012
But experts say the yuan is still substantially undervalued against the U.S. dollar. And the change won't mean much improvement in the persistent U.S.-China trade imbalance.

Euro officials talk 'Grexit' of Greece from euro

May 24, 2012
Euro leaders say they are committed to Greece staying with the euro, but talk of an exit is growing louder. Finance ministers have advised euro zone members to draw up contingency plans for what's being called an "amiable divorce" from Greece.

Egypt asks IMF for $3 billion loan

Mar 19, 2012
After turning down a similar package in June, Egypt goes back to the International Monetary Fund for help as its economy weaken and interest rates increase.
A view of the Egyptian stock exchange building in central Cairo.

For public good, not for profit.

Greece avoids a messy default... for now

Feb 21, 2012
After months of wrangling and a marathon meeting yesterday, European finance ministers have agreed on a $170 billion plus bailout for Greece. That'll save the country from a messy default, but stability can be hard to get too excited about, for Greeks and banks that owned Greek bonds -- especially with the harsh terms of the agreement.

More uncertainty looms after Greek cuts

Feb 13, 2012
Greeks rioted over the weekend, burning dozens of buildings in protest against budget cuts that are the latest condition for a $170 billion bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Europe looks to the IMF

Dec 8, 2011
The Europeans are starting to turn to the IMF for help with bailouts. Some in Congress are resisting. But withdrawing our help could have consequences.