What do your margarita and NAFTA have in common?

Mar 22, 2017
Virtually all tequila in this country comes from Mexico.
Virtually all the tequila in the United States comes from Mexico. Plans to renegotiate or withdraw from NAFTA are affecting business plans for tequila makers.
Daisy Palacios/Marketplace

What would a trade war between China and the U.S. look like?

Mar 15, 2017
President Donald Trump has promised to take a tough line with China over bilateral trade. Now word comes that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said at China’s National People’s Congress that China does not want a trade war, but that if it did happen, the U.S. could be hurt. Neither the U.S. nor China has taken […]
A crane is reflected in a puddle as containers are unloaded. 

U.S. steel suffers from global competition

Nov 3, 2015
Domestic steel producers are being undercut by cheap imports.

Push to lift ban on crude oil exports gains steam

Sep 29, 2015
The ban has been in place for four decades.

The U.S. is facing an egg-tastrophe

May 22, 2015
The nation’s poultry industry is facing an unprecedented avian flu epidemic, which has led to a shortage.

Port lockouts and the sea's importance in supply chain

Feb 12, 2015
What happens when your ship comes in, and there’s no one to unload your goods.

For public good, not for profit.

Russia swore off our chicken legs. But not to worry.

Aug 7, 2014
Russia's sanctions against importing food from the West shouldn't affect the U.S.
Russia retaliated against tough new Western sanctions by banning most food imports from the United States and the European Union.

How tough is it to sell steel?

Jul 14, 2014
Delaware Steel President Lisa Goldenberg says she's hopeful for a better year.

Illegal catches hurt fishermen and fish populations

Jun 13, 2014
As much as a third of wild-caught fish imported by the U.S. is caught illegally