Starbucks to arrive in India next month

Sep 28, 2012
What's the Hindi word for Frappuccino? India is set to get its first Starbucks next month in a posh neighborhood in Mumbai.

Strike in India over big retail reforms

Sep 20, 2012
There is a huge strike going on this morning in India, as people protest against the government's decision to allow mega retailers like Walmart and Tesco into the country.

Indian court case crucial for cancer sufferers

Sep 12, 2012
This week, India's Supreme Court hears arguments in a case that will affect how many poor people can afford cancer drugs. Novartis is defending a patent on its cancer medication, Gleevec.

McDonald's opens all-vegetarian restaurants in India

Sep 6, 2012
The fast food giant makes a bold move in a country where about 50 percent of the people are vegetarian.

India's economy slows down

Aug 31, 2012
We got word from India this morning that the economy there is dragging. It grew at a rate of just 5.5 percent last quarter, which was the slowest pace in three years.

India's 'Demographic Dividend' only good if there's growth

Aug 30, 2012
India has a much younger population than many developed countries, but this “demographic dividend” is a only a good thing when young people can find work.

India announces plans to launch Mars orbiter in 2013

Aug 16, 2012
But after the recent massive power outages in the country, some Indians are concerned that the money should be invested in infrastructure instead.

For public good, not for profit.

India more tolerant of power losses than China would be

Jul 31, 2012
Indian electricity bosses are less accountable than their Chinese counterparts even though India is a democracy and China a one-party state.

What India must do to have a modern power grid

Jul 31, 2012
India needs many more generating plants to keep up with exploding demand for electricity, but the distribution system is so corrupt that investors are reluctant to put money in new plants.

Power problems persist across India

Jul 31, 2012
In India, 600 million people lost power this morning. It's the second major blackout there in just two days.