India experiences massive power outages

Jul 31, 2012
Today blackouts in northern India spread to the eastern states, affecting half of the country's 1.2 billion people. Many office buildings are running on generators; More than a hundred trains were stranded in the summertime heat.

Indian factory experiences dangerous worker riots

Jul 20, 2012
Employee riots at India's largest car-maker -- Maruti -- have burned down part of the factory, shut down the plant and killed a human resources manager.

Chinese exports help boost economy over India

Jul 18, 2012
It wasn't long ago that many thought India's growth rates could surpass those of its long-time rival, China. But China retains the upper hand in that relationship, thanks in part to its exports.

Indian slum becomes hot property

Jun 5, 2012
In Mumbai, the square-mile area known as Dharavi has a million residents and myriad small businesses, but authorities plan to redevelop the slum.

Dunkin’ Donuts sets up shop in India

May 8, 2012
Dunkin’ Donuts launches a flagship outlet in New Delhi, with a full snack menu strategy. It aims to get a jump on Starbucks in India.

Facing water shortages, Indian farmers dig in

May 7, 2012
Fast-growing India is pumping itself dry. For the "water man," the solutions will come from the grassroots.

For India's rickshaw drivers, English pays off

Apr 27, 2012
Meet an entrepreneurial rickshaw driver in India who really knows how to talk to tourists.

For public good, not for profit.

India's oil purchases from Iran irk U.S.

Apr 4, 2012
India is a U.S. ally but also one of the top importers of Iranian oil. It could face U.S. sanctions unless it curbs these oil purchases.

BRICS leaders meet to discuss economic stability

Mar 29, 2012
Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are meeting today in New Delhi to work on an economic strategy apart from the developed world.

BRICS nations meet, hope to start own bank

Mar 29, 2012
The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa gathered in New Delhi today for a summit for the so-called BRICS group of emerging economies. At the top of agenda is a proposal to establish their own development bank.