Stories Tagged as
An IRA and a Variable Annuity
Mar 31, 2008
Question: I'm 61 and will work until 65 or 66, unless my employer decides otherwise. My financial advisor is recommending that I put my IRA into a...
Co-signing and Insurance
Feb 27, 2008
Question: I'm divorced with 2 children who have college loans on which I cosigned. I want to make sure that if anything happens (god forbid) that I...
Savings and Health
Feb 12, 2008
Question: I just finished graduate school and started my first real, full time job. I want to begin contributing towards retirement. My situation...
Long-Term Care Insurance--Not
Mar 26, 2007
Demographics may not be destiny, but America is getting older and an aging population will need plenty of long-term care. The cost of a nursing...