Amazon wants to bring more food suppliers on board

Mar 31, 2017
The online retailing behemoth Amazon is reportedly courting big food manufacturers. According to Bloomberg, the retailer is asking the companies to pay a visit to its Seattle headquarters for several days of talks. The point of such a meeting? To try to get companies like General Mills and Mondelez to rely less on big grocery […]

Your online privacy may soon come with a price tag

Mar 29, 2017
VPN providers are eyeing ways to make you feel more secure, for a fee.

Your internet data may be up for sale

Mar 27, 2017
The U.S. Senate voted to kill the FCC's broadband privacy rules. The House will vote Tuesday.
The House of Representatives will vote on repealing the Federal Communications Commission's broadband privacy rules on Tuesday after Senate approval last week.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Senate votes to end Obama-era privacy rules

Mar 24, 2017
Most congressional headlines are focused on health care this week, but another bill is on the move that could kill off internet privacy protections. The Senate voted Thursday to put a stop to Obama administration privacy rules that would prevent internet providers like Comcast and Verizon from selling consumer browsing information. The bill looks likely […]

What it means to be a diplomat in a digital age

Mar 20, 2017
Anne-Marie Slaughter says that diplomacy isn't just taking place in oak-paneled rooms anymore.
Visual Hunt

Somebody's in McTrouble

Mar 16, 2017
Donald Trump’s favorite fast-food giant McDonald's deletes a tweet insulting the president.
McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook supported Andrew Puzder, President Donald Trump’s first pick for Secretary of Labor, before Puzder withdrew.
Darren McCollester/Newsmakers

False information on the internet is hiding the truth about onions

Mar 14, 2017
Tom Scocca wants to fight "the darkness of falsehood." He's starting with onions.

Google changed the search results on how long it takes to caramelize onions after Tom Scocca's recent blog post.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit. already has a new list of issues

Jan 20, 2017
Mentions of climate change have been scrubbed.
U.S. President Donald Trump waves to supporters as he walks the parade route with first lady Melania Trump and son Barron Trump past the main reviewing stand in front of the White House during the Inaugural Parade on January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. Donald J. Trump was sworn in today as the 45th president of the United States. 

Patrick Smith/Getty Images

Google Chrome is going to crack the whip on unprotected websites

Nov 4, 2016
The Google Chrome security team is getting tough on websites that are not encrypted. Those are the ones without the HTTPS at the beginning of its URL. Anyone looking at what you’re doing online on that site can capture all of your information, including important user names and passwords. Most of the pages desktop users […]
Google says it will start marking unsecure websites in January.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The $34 billion deal from two companies you’ve likely never heard of

Oct 31, 2016
There's another telecommunications deal that could affect the way you go online.
Michael Smith/Getty Images