FCC rules on sharing consumer information could ding broadband provider profits

Oct 28, 2016
It might seem like a big victory for privacy advocates, but the new rules won't stop companies like Comcast and AT&T from collecting data
The seal of the Federal Communications Commission hangs behind commissioner Tom Wheeler's chair inside the hearing room at the FCC headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

People are already selling ‘bad hombre’ and ‘nasty woman’ merch? Yup.

Oct 20, 2016
The latest election memes are already making the rounds as products online.

Is it evil? A year of email controversies

Sep 30, 2016
Private email servers, DNC emails, hacked Yahoo accounts — we take a look back at recent email drama and what it says about the technology.
An environmentalist dressed as a mock lobbyist holds a banner reading 'Recruting e-mail hackers' during the third day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Miguel Villagran/Getty Images

The dangerous world of the Internet of Things

Sep 30, 2016
Everything's connected to the Internet. Which can be scary.

North Korea has 28 websites

Sep 22, 2016
Leaked data gave a glimpse at all of the isolated, totalitarian country's registered websites.
 Children of the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace attending extra facultative computer class after school on Oct. 18, 2007 in Pyongyang, North Korea.
Photo by Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images

Airbnb thinks increased instant bookings will curb discrimination

Sep 8, 2016
The site will also downplay profile pictures and introduce racial bias training for its hosts.
Carl Court/Getty Images

How Twitter may treat white nationalists and ISIS differently

Sep 1, 2016
A new study shows that Twitter is shutting down the accounts of Nazi sympathizers less than those of radical Islamists.
Research from George Washington University suggests that Twitter users who self-identify as "white supremacists" often have a larger number of followers than ISIS member accounts.

LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

US court halts spread of fast internet in two cities

Aug 11, 2016
The decision directly affects two cities. Indirectly, it could impact a lot more.
Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Tom Wheeler speaking at the Mobile World Congress 2015. 
David Ramos/Getty Images

The internet is ISIS' most powerful weapon

Jul 1, 2016
Vanity Fair's Nick Bilton says the terror group is the 'world's deadliest tech start-up'
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

The Internet is just "the internet" now

May 25, 2016
The New York Times and Associated Press won't capitalize it anymore.
Paleofuture via Giphy