By 2020, there will be 10 web-connected devices per human

Mar 6, 2014
Dell CEO Michael Dell tells Marketplace his plans to meet future demand.

Internet trolls are trolls in real life, too

Feb 18, 2014
New scientific evidence is in

Can redditors influence lawmakers?

Feb 11, 2014
Internet companies work to influence Congress... again.

Adobe admits it's been hacked, customer information compromised

Oct 4, 2013
Hackers have gained access to almost 3 million customer accounts.

Moving an online Reddit community into offline community action

Oct 2, 2013
Reddit's second annual Global Day of Service aims to get its user base involved in community service.

For California minors, Internet regrets may be a thing of the past

Sep 24, 2013
A new bill passed in California aims to protect minors from having a permanent record of photos and phrases they might regret.

For public good, not for profit.

Using the Internet to spread mass hysteria

Sep 23, 2013
New technologies of the modern age could be making incidents of hysteria spread faster and farther than before.

New treatment center helps shed misconceptions about Internet addiction

Sep 19, 2013
The nation's first inpatient treatment center for Internet addiction opens in Pennsylvania.

Surprise! Anger spreads faster online than all other emotions

Sep 17, 2013
It's the rage of the internet.