An alternative to the Internet?

Sep 10, 2013
Worried about NSA surveillance? One option is to operate on an entirely separate network.

Verizon and FCC set to battle over net neutrality

Sep 9, 2013
The case could impact our broadband Internet access.

How well do you know the internet? This week's Silicon Tally

Aug 30, 2013
306,000 tweets per minute, 2 (think gaming), 11,000 requests, and 74 percent: Can you guess what these numbers mean?

'The Internet of Things': The future is now

Aug 26, 2013
A future where every object is connected to the internet is almost here.

The FCC expands plans for broadband

Aug 23, 2013
It's part of the Connect America Fund, and it's targeted at 600,000 rural homes and businesses that don't have broadband infrastructure.

How well do you know the Internet? This week's Silicon Tally

Aug 23, 2013
19.68 seconds, 1 in 5 Americans, 71 million, and 78.9 percent: Can you guess what these numbers mean?

Mark Zuckerberg: Internet connectivity is a human right

Aug 21, 2013
Facebook's new connectivity mission dovetails nicely with Facebook’s primary business motivation, pursuing growth.

For public good, not for profit.

Down goes Google, down goes the Internet?

Aug 19, 2013
It was only down for a few minutes, but a Google outage on Friday still has people talking about the global impact.

Behind the names and numbers of the Internet

Aug 15, 2013
Fadi Chehade, CEO of ICANN -- the organization in charge of assigning names and numbers to Internet addresses -- talks about changes coming ahead for domain names and websites.

Should parents play NSA to their children's online activities?

Aug 14, 2013
Parents want to make sure their children are safe when using the internet, but at what point does monitoring your kids become needless spying?