Soap operas get a new lease on life online

Apr 29, 2013
'All My Children' and 'One Life to Live' are going online only starting Monday -- as the first offerings of 'The Online Network', an ad-supported outlet for first-run entertainment delivered online.

Meet AppNexus: The online ad platform you already use everyday

Apr 29, 2013
While most people haven’t heard of AppNexus, many Internet users almost certainly interact with the company on a daily basis.

The Internet is coming to your car, watch, and dishwater, but can our systems handle it?

Apr 26, 2013
The Internet is powered by vast banks of computers which chew up energy. That's a big cost for the people who run these servers -- and the earth, depending on how all the electricity is generated.

Why mess with an undersea Egyptian Internet cable?

Mar 29, 2013
The Egyptian Navy says it caught three men trying to cut a big Internet cable that runs under the Mediterranean causing slow downs in the country and as far away as Pakistan.

Spam wars clog the Internet

Mar 28, 2013
If you found your Internet surfing coming up slow in recent days, it's possibly because of one of the biggest cyberattacks experts have ever seen.

EverQuest turns 14: Secrets of the original online multiplayer game

Mar 26, 2013
Video game years are kind of like dog years, and that makes the game EverQuest, which turned 14-years-old this month, positively ancient.

Hacker reveals vulnerable global Internet

Mar 25, 2013
An anonymous researcher has found that all sorts of devices connected to the Internet are protected only by the easy-to-guess default passwords that the equipment came with when new.

For public good, not for profit.

How telecom reform in Mexico could impact U.S. immigration

Mar 21, 2013
New Mexican President Peña Nieto hopes to reshape the country's phone and television service by increasing competition through foreign investment.

TV Next: Time Warner's Roku future

Mar 19, 2013
Time Warner teams up with Roku to offer streaming cable. Google Drive outage threatens corporate uptake of Google and cloud-based products.

Google cancels Reader, sets eyes on overtaking the web

Mar 15, 2013
Is Google Reader's death sentence a sign that Google isn't that interested in what we call the World Wide Web? Instead, does Google, like Facebook, want to be the web.