Googling the flu and going high speed cable in China

Jan 14, 2013
Is this a regular flu season or one for the record books? It depends a bit on whether your metric is the official numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or Google. In China, the government is requiring each new home close to necessary infrastructure to get a fiber optic cable hookup.

Using websites to manage your finances

Dec 12, 2012
The holiday season might be a time of year when you don't even want to look at your personal finances because money is going out the door right and left. You certainly don't want to go to a website that puts all your financial accounts in one place and makes charts and graphs out of your money - or do you?
Is it easier to manage your finances in the cloud that with regular old pen and paper.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The latest Internet craze: Porting

Dec 10, 2012
Watch out coning - you aren't the only kid on the Internet block anymore.

Online world anxious over new U.N. regulations

Dec 3, 2012
Heavy hitters in the online world worry that U.N. regulation could stifle the Internet's future.

Texting turns 20, U.N. group begins talks over Internet control

Dec 3, 2012
Celebrating the text message as the technology turns twenty, and waiting on results from a UN summit on controlling the Internet.

The growing art of data dodging

Nov 29, 2012
As paranoia about online tracking grows, so too the number of businesses that help consumers prevent marketers from mining their personal data.
In July, federal Judge Esther Salas was deliberately targeted in her home in New Jersey.  A man — who had a case before her — came to her home with a gun and shot her husband and son.  Her husband is in the hospital and her son died. Salas believes this incident was possibly due to the fact that her private information was publicly available for the attacker to find her.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images

Musicians rally against cuts to web royalties

Nov 28, 2012
A proposal in Congress would let Internet radio sites pay lower royalties.

For public good, not for profit.

Tech President, The Next Generation

Nov 7, 2012
It is Obama 2.0 -- what are the technology issues that will dominate over the next four years of the new Obama Administration?

Keeping cloud computing reliable in the storm, and Russia's new Internet surveillance program

Nov 2, 2012
One of the most common images of this week's hurricane, power-sharing: People huddling with their phones and laptops plugged into power strips set up in bank foyers, coffee shops, or dangled helpfully out windows.

Web pounces on Romney 'binders full of women' comment

Oct 17, 2012
It took just a few minutes for social media pages built around Mitt Romney's debate comment about having "binders full of women" to materialize. But how do you monetize a meme?