Can Facebook succeed in China?

Dec 24, 2010
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg has before expressed his interest in bringing the social network to China, but he does face some obstacles. Steve Henn reports.

Online users don't like to be tracked

Dec 23, 2010
This final note today, a comment on the value of being left alone, or at least not being observed while you're online....

Net Neutrality react - there will be challenges to this plan

Dec 22, 2010
In a 3-2 vote, the FCC voted to adopt new rules about how broadband and wireless carriers treat web traffic and services. A lot of people are...

Net neutrality rules could still allow for advantages

Dec 21, 2010
The FCC voted on new rules for net neutrality today, prohibiting unreasonable discrimination on the Internet. But as Janet Babin reports, there still might be enough loopholes to allow advantages.

How net neutrality might affect your Internet use

Dec 20, 2010
The Federal Communications Commission is set to vote tomorrow on net neutrality, which enforce an even playing field for all Internet websites, big or small. Some argue that such rules are unnecessary.

Yahoo struggling to compete

Dec 17, 2010
Yahoo announced earlier this week that it would have to lay off 600 employees. Now the company may also need to cut its other Internet properties as well. Jennifer Collins reports on Yahoo's troubles.

What is Yahoo?

Dec 14, 2010
As other Internet properties surge, and Yahoo gets ready to layoff 4 percent of its workforce, it raises the question: what is Yahoo? And what's in its future? Bob Moon reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Can your online passwords be both secure AND easy to remember?

Dec 14, 2010
Hackers busted into the database of blog company Gawker Media over the weekend, accessed 1.3 million user names, passwords, and emails, and proceeded to post that information online. An online chain reaction soon happened where Twitter accounts started spitting out spam because people used the same passwords for different sites.

How to create the best passwords

Dec 13, 2010
News came today that anyone who had commented or contributed to a Gawker Media site had their passwords compromised by hackers. Kai Ryssdal talks with Kevin Purdy, a contributing editor from Lifehacker (a Gawker site), about how to best protect yourself online.

How to stop the next Wikileaks

Dec 13, 2010
One Lady Gaga CD. That, apparently, is what this whole Wikileaks mess can be traced back to. Private First Class Bradley Manning says he was able to copy all those zillions of sensitive documents onto a CD innocently marked "Lady Gaga" and simply walk out the door. Now the military is taking the step of banning the use of CDs, DVDs, and thumb drives on their SIPRNET computers.