Macrowikinomics: How collaboration is changing the world

Nov 27, 2010
When a lot of people get together behind one idea, they can make a change. And when a lot of people are getting behind a lot of different ideas, that can change the world. The new book "Macrowikinomics" explores how collaboration is changing society. Steve Chiotakis talks with the co-author, Don Tapscott.

Googling and Facebooking to a job

Nov 27, 2010
Social media more often seems to be a way to get kicked out of a job -- unseemly photos, an off-color post -- but some job-seekers are using it to land their dream jobs.

Marketers like that you "Like"

Nov 26, 2010
The ubiquitous, but innocuous "Like" button on your favorite retail and media websites is a boon for marketers. Just one click and they access to a full range of your personal details -- and your friends' too.
The "Like" button on the Levi's website.

The unpaid army behind Wikipedia

Nov 25, 2010
Wikipedia is one of the top 10 most popular websites in the world. Looking through some of the massive entries and their histories of meticulous editing, one wonders who the people are who create and maintain the site. In large part, they are volunteers, driven to create and improve the site.

Time Warner offers customer service with new plan

Nov 25, 2010
Time Warner is set to roll out new cable packages, aimed at both high-end customers and those on the budget. Strapped for cash? Don't bet on getting any great customer service from the cable guy, then. Jennifer Collins explains.

The Cyrano to your online dating profile

Nov 24, 2010
Online dating -- just like its offline counterpart -- can be tricky, especially when it comes to that ever-important profile. How do you market yourself in just the right way? As Sean Cole reports, all it might take is a little bit of advertising skills from your online Cyrano de Bergerac.

Susan Orlean helps you get it on the calendar

Nov 23, 2010
Last spring, back when I was just getting ready to take over hosting the show that would become Marketplace Tech Report, I was talking to Susan O...

For public good, not for profit.

Netflix offers online-streaming-only plan

Nov 22, 2010
Netflix has been blowing its movie-rental competitors out of the water since offering its movies-by-mail service. But now, the company is looking to ditch those red envelopes, announcing its new cheaper plan for streaming online only -- no DVDs.

How are you using technology to shop this year?

Nov 19, 2010
For our day after Thanksgiving show we want to hear from you. Even if you're not one of the hard-charging doorbuster shoppers in line for the big...

Why was 15 percent of the world's internet traffic routed through China for 18 minutes?

Nov 17, 2010
Short answer? We don't know. Slightly longer answer: It's kind of strange that we don't know. The incident occurred last April and was recently reported by the security firm McAfee. The Chinese government says the sudden traffic reroute was an accident but little is known about what happened to the data when it was there.