Do you trust Facebook enough to let it handle your email?

Nov 16, 2010
Facebook announced a new messaging system that incorporates email, texts, instant messaging, and the Facebook messaging people are already using. But given the privacy concerns that have dogged the social media giant for years, are users going to be willing to trust Facebook enough to use it for all their personal communications?

Facebook's email aimed at being all-inclusive

Nov 15, 2010
Facebook announced its new email platform today, which is aimed at combining all kinds of social technological communication into one. Kai Ryssdal talks with Marketplace's Steve Henn about who this is targeted at and how Facebook hopes it will succeed. removes controversial book but controversies may return

Nov 12, 2010 has removed an especially controversial title from its Kindle electronic book store. Amazon initially defended its own carrying of the book, saying that to remove it would be censorship, and then they yanked it anyway. But given the way Amazon stocks the virtual shelves of its online store, isn't this issue likely to come up again?

Online privacy to get federal attention

Nov 12, 2010
The Commerce Department and the White House announced today plans to appoint a high-level privacy watchdog that would negotiate the issue of online privacy both overseas and in this country. But privacy advocates aren't happy about it. Bob Moon goes over the details with Steve Henn.

Google picks up data, threats, investigations, criticisms

Nov 11, 2010
The Federal Communications Commission confirmed Wednesday it's investigating Google in response to the company collecting information from unsecured Wi-Fi networks while taking pictures for the Google Street View service. Google says it was an accident but the issue is far from settled.

Need another distraction? Social networking in your browser

Nov 8, 2010
Email, Twitter, Facebook, cell phones -- there's no shortage of ways to connect electronically to others. Today comes a new Internet browser aimed at making it all easier. Kai Ryssdal talks to Marketplace's Steve Henn about RockMelt.

What becomes of net neutrality after the election?

Nov 1, 2010
Tomorrow's elections will likely bring about a very different U.S. Congress as Republicans are set to make major gains. Where does that leave the idea of meaningful net neutrality legislation?

For public good, not for profit.

Will Google TV survive if there are a bunch of shows you can't watch on it?

Oct 30, 2010
The idea of a company like Google teaming up with an institution like television is immediately appealing. But now that Google TV products are actually here, viewers are being blocked from seeing a lot of their favorite show. What gives?

Consumer bureau may ask citizens to be whistleblowers

Oct 30, 2010
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is starting to get organized, and it may begin to look toward citizens to help it out. It's a crowd-sourcing idea -- with people using online technology to report wrongdoings.

Firesheep may scare you off the Internet

Oct 27, 2010
Next time you're in a coffee shop using their Wi-Fi, you might want to avoid going on Facebook. Or Twitter. Or lots of other sites. That's because of a new Firefox add-on called Firesheep.