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Who the Internet has hurt and helped

Sep 8, 2010
Seems like just about everyday there's another story about how the Internet has reshaped business or how some iPhone app has put some poor mom-and-pop out of their jobs. Porter Bibb at Mediatech Capital Partners spent a lot of his career in old media, and talks with Jeremy Hobson about the impact the Internet has had.

Google in Pittsburgh signals tech burst

Sep 7, 2010
Google is expanding and hiring. That's hardly worth noting, but before you punch up your resume and start looking for an apartment in Boston or San Jose you should know that the expansion is in Pittsburgh. Mark Nootbaar reports.

Scam artists flourish in the recession

Sep 6, 2010
Tess Vigeland examines the latest financial scams with consumer finance columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Sheryl Harris.

Germans to bosses: Get off Facebook!

Aug 26, 2010
Several high-profile companies in Germany were recently caught using digital technology to keep tabs on workers. Germans were spooked by that, and have pushed for a new law that would stop your employer from checking out your Facebook page.

Philadelphia may tax bloggers

Aug 24, 2010
Philadelphia may charge Internet bloggers that sell ads on their sites a privilege fee and business tax. Columbia Journalism School Professor Sree Sreenivasan talks with Steve Chiotakis about whether there is a way to enforce this plan and what it says about the state of blogs.

Erasing your teenage digital identity?

Aug 18, 2010
Google CEO Eric Schmidt recently said that young people should be able to change their names to erase the embarrassment of their teenage indiscretions online. But Janet Babin reports there are no do-overs in a digital society.

Facebook to try location-based service

Aug 18, 2010
Facebook is expected to announce a new location-based service for users that will probably use the GPS chip in your mobile phone to track your whereabouts. Steve Henn reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Murdoch plans tablet newspaper

Aug 13, 2010
Media magnate Rupert Murdoch says he plans to launch a digital newspaper made just for distribution on tablet computers like the iPad. Janet Babin reports.

Germans vocal about timing of Google street view opt-out

Aug 12, 2010
By the end of the year, 20 German cities will have photos of their neighborhoods posted on Google, in the face of vocal protests. The search giant is offering a solution, but critics are questioning the timing.

Google weighs using data for profit

Aug 10, 2010
The Wall Street Journal's Jessica Vascellaro talks with Kai Ryssdal about an article she wrote that says Google is trying to figure out how to use its vast store of data on users to turn a profit -- something they've resisted since the company began.