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Dot-com's disrupt, help bring in money

Mar 15, 2010
Twenty five years ago, the first dot-com domain name went live. So what impact have dot-coms had? Brett Neely reports.

Who hurts if Google leaves China?

Mar 11, 2010
Google says it could soon reach a conclusion from its talks with the Chinese government. Steve Chiotakis talks to Marketplace's Scott Tong about why Google potentially pulling out of China could hurt the search engine's relationship with Motorola.

Google shifting its mood on China

Mar 5, 2010
Almost two months after Google complained about China's Web controls and threatened to leave the country, the search engine seems to be changing its mind. Scott Tong explores the role diplomacy has played in Google's sea change.

Government makes strides in net policy

Mar 4, 2010
Tech executives and government officials are converging in a series of meetings on the issue of Internet freedom overseas. Mitchell Hartman explores why the stakes are high for foreign policy and American business.

Web makers fight political freebie ads

Mar 4, 2010
Political lobbyists are increasingly drawn to sites like Facebook for their large user base. But some Web content providers are running into a conflict with ad campaigns offering false deals for political action. Brett Neely reports.

Antitrust lawsuits pile up on Google

Mar 3, 2010
Microsoft has filed antitrust lawsuits against Google in Europe. And in the past few weeks, a series of small companies have also filed lawsuits. What gives? Brett Neely reports.

Location apps: Where's the security?

Mar 3, 2010
Mobile device applications are increasingly using location check-ins to engage users and build their credibility. But where does all that information go, and can it hurt you? Gigi Douban reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Impact of Italy's ruling on Google

Feb 24, 2010
Three Google executives were given 6-month suspended sentences for allowing a video of a boy being bullied to be posted on its Web site. Mitchell Hartman reports the case highlights international differences on Internet privacy.

E.U. looks into Google's ranking system

Feb 24, 2010
The European Union has launched a preliminary inquiry into Google's search ranking system. Google's European competitors have egged the E.U. onto investigating the practices of the domineering search engine. Christopher Werth reports. will manage without markup

Feb 24, 2010
A new retail Web site offers drugstore products without retail markup or shipping costs. With a business model so generous to consumers, how does the site make money? Kaomi Goetz has the story.