Advice for investors ahead of the fiscal cliff

Dec 7, 2012
A lot of investors are on edge about what's going to happen with the fiscal cliff. Economics correspondent Chris Farrell says take a deep breath and don't make any rash decisions.

Warren Buffett on what he 'gets' about the economy, investing mistakes, and inflation

Nov 28, 2012
Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors in history, so what does he know about the economy that few others do? Buffet discusses the biggest investment mistake he's ever made, his economic concerns in the year ahead, and how to get the U.S. growing again.

Corporate raiders morph into nice(r) guys

Nov 26, 2012
Carl Icahn used to buy companies and break them up. These days, he’s an activist investor, using large stakes to influence corporate strategy.

Investors desperate for yield make risky bets

Nov 22, 2012
Investors are agreeing to all sorts of crazy terms in order to put money to work in the bond and loan markets. They're baking risk into the system, and that could be a problem for all of us.
Investors are agreeing to all sorts of crazy terms in order to put money to work in the bond and loan markets. They're baking risk into the system, and that could be a problem for all of us.

Are stocks still the best investment option?

Nov 13, 2012
The 2008 stock market crash sent folks walking away from Wall Street. Even today, an air of fear still holds some from re-entering the market. Have investors come around?

Retiree: Pay for a house outright or carry a mortgage?

Oct 12, 2012
One retiree is seeking to sell her house and move. But she wonders whether it would be wiser to pay for a house with cash or carry a mortgage in retirement.
Do you have a retirement plan?

Listener questions on saving, spending, and managing debt

Sep 21, 2012
Host Tess Vigeland and Jill Schlesinger, editor at large for CBS's, answers listener questions about retirement, savings, students loans, and money management.

For public good, not for profit.

Explaining what blind trust is with sausages

Aug 17, 2012
Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney says he put his investments in a blind trust to avoid any conflict of interest. So what exactly is a blind trust? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains with a sausage factory analogy.
Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney says he put his investments in a blind trust to avoid any conflict of interest. So what exactly is a blind trust? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains with a sausage factory analogy.

What's a floating-rate note and how does it work?

Aug 6, 2012
The Treasury Department is planning to roll out a floating-rate note program in about a year. But what is a floating-rate note and why do we need one? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains with a boat analogy.
The Treasury Department is planning to roll out a floating-rate note program in about a year. But what is a floating-rate note and why do we need one? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains.

Movie artifacts rake in big bucks at auctions

Jul 27, 2012
Hollywood costumes and props used to be sold on eBay. The sale of a big private collection shows that specialty auctions are now the way to go.