Tech News In Brief - 5/24/10

May 24, 2010
Zuckerberg announces impending changes at Facebook - Doesn't apologize for making privacy settings so difficult. It's really more of one of those, ...

The iPad 3G can't send text messages except yes it can.

May 3, 2010
Two criticisms I heard about the iPad were that you couldn't monkey around with it and develop your own software and that you can't send text...

Apple: One million iPads sold

May 3, 2010
Apple has announced that it has sold its one millionth iPad - only 28 days after it was introduced on April 3. The tech giant also announced that...

iPad meets bat, gets destroyed

Apr 6, 2010
A vast majority of the 300,000 iPads sold on Saturday were broken in traditionally. But Pittsburgh high school student Justin Kocott had something...

Apple sells more than 300,000 iPads on Saturday

Apr 5, 2010
Tech giant Apple has announced it sold over 300,000 of its new tablet computer in the U.S. on Saturday. In a statement, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said...