Resisting the iPhone, at all costs

Apr 27, 2012
Commentator Tim Bedore's 14-year-old daughter is lobbying ferociously for an iPhone.

Google wants to store your stuff in its cloud

Apr 25, 2012
Google Drive premieres, offering users five gigabytes or more of space for documents, pictures, videos, what-have-yous. Plus, learn this term: liquidmetal.

Nokia's new Windows Phone: A legit contender?

Apr 5, 2012
The Windows Phone platform is about to get a big boost from Nokia. The Finnish company is launching the Lumia 900, a smartphone that runs on Windows. Also, Google wants to put a computer in your glasses.

An acclaimed Apple critic made up the details

Mar 16, 2012
The monologist Mike Daisey’s account of Chinese factory conditions in “The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs” made people think differently about their iPhones and iPads. But after an adaptation aired on This American Life, reaching China, an investigation there of his allegations found they were fabricated. Given other news reports on the conditions, will that matter?

For public good, not for profit.

Path: The iPhone app taking your address book

Feb 8, 2012
Path is a relatively new social network that has garnered a lot of critical praise. But it turns out the iPhone app is gathering info from address books, and transmitting it back, unencrypted. Also, the booming app economy is a jobs bonanza.