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Want the new iPhone 6? How about a new carrier too?

Sep 10, 2014
Many carriers are offering new plans to lure customers who want the newest iPhone.

So about those new Apple products...

Sep 9, 2014
Apple shares closed in the red for the day, down 37 cents.

The numbers for September 9, 2014

Sep 9, 2014
Yes, there's a new iPhone coming. Here are five more numbers to keep an eye on today.

Will Apple's next offering be 'insanely great'?

Sep 1, 2014
Apple is expected to announce an iWallet, but what happens if they don't deliver?

How much would an all-American iPhone cost?

May 20, 2014
A 100 percent U.S.-made iPhone would cost more than $2,000.
John Moore/Getty Images

The other iPhone contract

May 12, 2014
Author Janell Burley Hofmann gave her son an iPhone... and a set of rules

What if you could kill your stolen phone?

Apr 11, 2014
A "kill switch" on smart phones would prevent thefts and possibly save billions of dollars.

For public good, not for profit.

Not quite a driverless car, but close

Mar 3, 2014
Tech companies have begun to team up with car manufacturers to figure out how to get smart phones into our vehicles.

Facebook launches Paper app

Feb 3, 2014
The new iPhone app seeks to streamline the experience of reading Facebook.

Apple's Chinese Christmas gift

Dec 23, 2013
Last night, Apple and China Mobile signed a long-awaited deal to sell iPhones to this pool of nearly a billion new customers.